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Unity 2022.3

Highlight bright objects with advanced bloom post-processing.

Simulate realistic lens responses to lights and emissive objects. Make bright objects glow. Configure the bloom amount and size. Add dynamic copies of bright objects – ghosts. Use the default intensity, color, and offset for each of the 8 ghosted copies or make it yours. Add a camera ring with halos. Fine-tune the halo size, fisheye lens strength, color, and intensity. Add chromatic aberration to ghosts and halos to accentuate their colors and brightness.

  • Simulate realistic camera lens lighting responses.
  • Make bright objects glow using advanced bloom algorithms.
  • Mirror bright areas using ghosts.
  • Configure ghost intensity, color, and offset.
  • Add halos to the camera lens.
  • Tune the halo intensity, distortion, and color.
  • Accentuate colors using chromatic aberration on ghosts and halos.

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