Low Poly Trees

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Developed by


Works with

Unity 2022.3



Create breathtaking low poly environments.

Perfect for low poly games, this pack offers customization options for trunk, leaves, and more.


  • .blender file
  • .fbx files (base of tree @ world origin), correctly scaled and rotated.


  • Game-ready
  • Easy to use
  • Renders quickly, looks great.

Included Low Poly Tree 3d models:

  • Alder x3
  • Apple x3
  • Ash x3
  • Beech x3
  • Birch x3
  • Chestnut x3
  • Fir x3
  • Juniper x3
  • Larch x3
  • Linden x3
  • Maple x3
  • Oak x3
  • Pine x3
  • Poplar x3
  • Spruce x3
  • Willow x3

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