Eternal Odyssey - Fantasy RPG Music Pack

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Audio & Music

Eternal Odyssey (EO) was composed to serve as a collection of diverse tracks within the fantasy/action-RPG/adventure genres. Rather than a pack with a narrow scope that only focuses on one game context (battle, or dungeon music, etc.), this pack has a little bit of everything. This makes EO a great starting point for your game music, so you don’t have to integrate a dozen different packs to get a project off the ground.

Preview Tracks

YouTube Playlist

The Pack is Organized into 4 Main Folders:

  • Full Tracks contains 6 full non-looping music tracks.
  • Full Track Loops contains 12 seamless looping tracks, all of which are either reductions or variations on the original 6 full tracks. These tracks are not simply copies of the originals but have been reworked to better fit a looping style, and in some cases have new musical material altogether.
  • Short Tracks contains 6 additional standalone seamless looping tracks that do not have variations.
  • Stingers & Effects is a bonus folder filled with short snippets of music/sound effects that serve to highlight key moments in the game, such as “Success,” “Failure,” “Eerie,” etc.


Full Tracks:

  • Ambush [1:52] (N)
  • Among The Dryads [2:41] (N)
  • Celestial Cathedral [3:47] (N)
  • Labyrinth [4:02] (N)
  • Water Temple [3:24] (N)
  • Windswept Plains [2:52] (N)

Full Track Loops:

  • Ambush Loop 1 [0:32] (SL)
  • Ambush Loop 2 [0:32] (SL)
  • Among The Dryads Loop 1 [1:00] (SL)
  • Among The Dryads Loop 2 [1:00] (SL)
  • Celestial Cathedral Loop 1 [1:00] (SL)
  • Celestial Cathedral Loop 2 [1:00] (SL)
  • Labyrinth Loop 1 [1:00] (SL)
  • Labyrinth Loop 2 [1:00] (SL)
  • Water Temple Loop 1 [1:00] (SL)
  • Water Temple Loop 2 [1:00] (SL)
  • Windswept Plains Loop 1 [1:19] (SL)
  • Windswept Plains Loop 2 [0:53] (SL)

Short Tracks:

  • A Violent Encounter [1:06] (SL)
  • Market Town [1:20] (SL)
  • Reprieve [1:30] (SL)
  • Sacred Ritual [1:22] (SL)
  • Shadows Beckon [1:20] (SL)
  • Sinister Intentions [1:30] (SL)


  • Eerie 1
  • Eerie 2
  • Failure 1 (Death)
  • Failure 2 (Objective)
  • Menu 1 (Navigation)
  • Menu 2 (Select)
  • Neutral 1
  • Neutral 2
  • Ominous
  • Success 1 (Discovery)
  • Success 2 (Mission Progress)
  • Success 3 (Level Up)

Music Quality

Eternal Odyssey was created with industry-leading software used in professional studios worldwide. Each track delivers a polished, high-quality sound, elevating your game to new heights of immersion.

Technical Details

  • 24 Original stereo WAV music tracks (16-bit / 44.1kHz)
  • 350MB compressed
  • 398MB uncompressed
  • 40 Minutes of music
  • 6 non-looping tracks
  • 18 seamlessly loopable tracks
  • 12 Bonus stingers
  • 36 audio files in total

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