Low Poly Barbarian - Fantasy Low Poly 3D by Shokubutsu

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Developed by

Shokubutsu Studios

Works with

Unity 2022.3



Pack of 16 rigged, low-poly barbarian models. Perfect for Fantasy, RPG or dungeon-style games. Compatible with Mixamo animations, this pack includes customizable textures and materials for a variety of looks.


  • 16 rigged low-poly models
  • 2 texture files (1024x1024 px)
  • 2 material files for customizable color palettes (+1 material for demo scene)
  • Prefabs for each model (Built-in and URP)
  • 2 demo scenes (Built-in and URP)
  • Mixamo animation compatibility

Technical Details

  • Polygon count: 2000–3300
  • UV mapping: Yes
  • Materials: Standard and URP Lit

Keywords: Low poly, RPG, Medieval Fantasy, Game characters, Dungeon

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