Winter Nights - LOFI Music Collection

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Developed by

Phat Phrog Studio

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Audio & Music

Wrap your project in a warm blanket of focus with Winter Nights: LOFI Music Collection. This meticulously crafted pack features 10 captivating lo-fi tracks, each adorned with gentle snowfall rhythms and calming melodies, designed to cultivate a sense of cozy productivity and serene immersion.

Imagine this:

  • Gamers: Players explore snow-covered landscapes or tackle challenging puzzles enveloped in the peaceful ambience of Winter Nights’ lo-fi beats.
  • Content Creators: Breathe new life into your videos and presentations with a touch of wintry charm. Winter Nights offers the ideal copyright-free soundtrack to enhance your message without overpowering it, keeping your audience engaged throughout.
  • Streamers & YouTubers: Cultivate a positive and focused atmosphere for extended play sessions or in-depth tutorials with the calming melodies of Winter Nights.
  • Game Developers: Effortlessly integrate these versatile lo-fi tracks into your game’s soundscape, adding depth and atmosphere to any environment. From bustling winter markets to cozy fireplaces, Winter Nights provides the perfect sonic backdrop to bring your snowy world to life.

Winter Nights isn’t just music; it’s a creative companion for those long winter nights.

  • Focus & Immersion: Each track is meticulously crafted to promote concentration and a sense of tranquility, fostering a positive experience for your players or viewers.
  • Unleash Your Creativity: Streamers, YouTubers, and content creators can leverage this royalty-free soundtrack to elevate their productions without copyright concerns.
  • Extensive Collection: Gain access to 10 high-quality lo-fi tracks, offering exceptional value for both game developers and content creators alike.

Music Previews

Technical Details

  • Sample rate / bit rate: 44,100 Hz
  • Do Sound FX loop: No
  • Number of tracks: 10
  • Number of cues: 10
  • Minutes of audio provided: 41 minutes

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